Next Workshop Dates | There are 3, 2 ½ hour workshops allocated to this qualification
Each workshop will be conducted 4 times during your enrolment. |
Location: | QMTS Training, Brisbane Campus, Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, 578 Royal Esplanade, Manly Qld 4179 |
Duration: | You will have 6 months to compete your studies |
Course Fees: | The Course fees as of 01/07/2023: $900.00
Included in the fee cost structure are: A reduction in the course cost may apply for students who have successfully completed other credits relevant to this qualification. |
Course Completion Period: | 6 Months to complete the course. |
Unit Code |
Unit of Competency |
MARI003 | Comply with regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel up to 12 metres |
MARK007 | Handle a vessel up to 12 metres |
MARN008 | Apply seamanship skills aboard a vessel up to 12 metres |
Coxswain Grade 3 Near Coastal.
Careers & Pathways:
In Queensland, the industry has identified vocational outcomes and/or areas of local demand in transport, construction, shipping and tourism sectors along the east coast.
Employment Pathway:
Operate a commercial vessel under 12m within 5nm of the coastline with a propulsion power of <100kW for inboard engines and <250 kW for outboard engines. Higher qualification Pathways:
MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal)
MAR20318 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal)
MAR20421 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 3 Near Coastal)
MAR30821 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 Near Coastal)
MAR30921 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres Near Coastal)
MAR40320 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 45 metres Near Coastal)
This qualification is required to obtain an AMSA certificate of competency as a Coxswain Grade 3 NC as defined in Marine Order 505.
AMSA certification will require one of the following eligibility requirements:
• Australian Sailing Powerboat Handling course
• RYA level 2 Powerboat course
Each of the following:
• a licence, issued by a State or Territory, to operate a recreational vessel
• at least 1 day qualifying sea service on a commercial vessel
• a declaration on the approved form
Each of the following courses from the MAR Maritime Training Package, or a course developed as part of the MAR Maritime Training Package to cover the same skills:
• MARI003 Comply with regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel up to 12 metres
• MARK007 Handle a vessel up to 12 metres
• MARN008 Apply seamanship skills aboard a vessel up to 12 metres
Students undertaking this course will be required to complete, or show proof of, the minimum sea service requirements (refer AMSA).
A general command of spoken and written English, as well as the ability to write a simple report is required.
As a safety consideration, QMTS Training recommends all students be physically fit to carry out all the roles and responsibilities of a coxswain on a commercial vessel under 12m within 5nm of the coastline with a propulsion power of <100kW for inboard engines and <250 kW for outboard engines, as described under the Marine Order 505. Students should also be able to swim (any stroke) a minimum of 50 metres fully clothed. Language, Literacy, and Numeracy
It is a requirement of this course that all enrolling students undertake a language, literacy and numeracy assessment.
As the delivery of the course is predominantly on-line and all resources are contained in a dedicated online learner portal, students must have access to a computer (with Microsoft Office 365 software). Free Wi-Fi is available during training blocks.
Students require basic computer skills to complete the course without disadvantage. This includes how to access the internet, download documents, save a file to a hard drive and upload files to the student portal. All students receive a Student Portal Learner Guide on enrolment.
When enrolling into a QMTS Training course it is a requirement that all enrolment documentation is received before enrolment confirmation can occur. The required documents and information are listed below:
- Online Enrolment Form
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment
- Enrolment Induction Checklist
- Copy of Driver’s Licence (front and back) or Passport
Please also note that Students will be required to provide QMTS Training with their Unique Student Identifier (USI) before enrolment can be completed.
All Students
Students will access all On-line Assessments via their aXcelerate Student Learner Portal. There will be two types of assessments –
- Knowledge Review Assessments: will not count to the final assessment but must be completed before the student can move to the next section
- Final Assessments: will assess a Student’s knowledge competence
Students are allowed three (3) submissions of each assessment in total (initial submission and two (2) re-submissions if required) for each assessment.
If you are deemed to be Not Competent (NC) in a unit (after three (3) theory or three (3) practical assessment attempts, or due to disciplinary action) you will need to re-enrol into that unit and pay the unit enrolment fee to be able to re-attempt the unit assessment.
After an unsuccessful second submission, A QMTS Training Assessor may contact the student by phone to provide additional training to assist the student in completing the third submission.
Practical Assessment
Prior to attending a practical assessment all students must successfully complete 85% of the theory assessments.
Learners can have their competency from prior learning and work experience recognised in this qualification through the following arrangements:
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
RPL is recognition of prior learning or skills obtained from previous study or work/life experience.
Learners, who through prior learning or experience believe they have gained competence in any of the skill areas, may be granted RPL upon substantiation of that claim.
QMTS Training offers RPL on enrolment and the trainer will work with the student to define the potential for a successful application process.
NB: RPL does not give the student a discount in course fees.
Credit Transfer
Students may also apply for a credit transfer upon enrolment.
Learners who have evidence in the form of AQF certification from any other RTO or authenticated VET transcripts issued by the Registrar or from an AQF authorised issuing authority for units of competency relevant to this qualification will be given credit upon enrolment.
For more information about QMTS Training Recognition Process please refer to the Client Handbook or Phone QMTS Training on 07 3186 6930.
For more information about QMTS Training Recognition Process please refer to the Client Handbook or Phone QMTS Training on 07 3186 6930.
QMTS Training is the RTO responsible for the quality and compliance of the nationally recognised training being delivered and is also the RTO that will issue any qualification or statement of attainment certificate to eligible learners.
Should you at any time wish to lodge a complaint, you can do so by contacting your trainer or the Chief Executive Officer of QMTS Training on 07 3186 6930.
Please refer to the Client Handbook for further information on our Complaints and Appeals Processes.
We also provide higher qualifications for a Coxswain Grade 2, Coxswain Grade 1, Master up to 24m, Master up to 45m, Master up to 45m Upgrade, Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 and Marine Engine Driver Grade 3.
If you’re just getting started in the Maritime Industry look at completing your Shipboard Safety Skill Set Certification as the first step to Marine Safety.